Tower of Druaga Wiki

Spell Cards

Spell Card (スペルカード Superu Kādo) is an item from the game Seme COM Dungeon: Drururuaga. Spell Cards are used by Gilsh and his opponents to summon allies and items.

There are four types of Spell Cards: Creature cards are the characters that assist the summoner, which includes knights, magicians, priests, slimes, undeads, animals and others. Equipment Item cards can be equipped by the player and in creatures, which are divided into weapons, armors and accessories. Consumable Item cards are used only once, which include potions and books. The Jewel Card contains a set amount of Deck Power to build the deck and will be in the player's Jewel Room during matches.

(Under construction)

Temporary notes on damage:

PhysicalA sword indicates physical damage, caused either by melee or archery. PhysicalDefense indicates how much physical damage is subtracted from any melee attacks on that creature.

Example: An character with a rating of Physical攻撃 5 would end up dealing 1 damage to an enemy with Physicalぼうぎょ 4

MagicalA staff indicates magical damage, which is usually caused from a distance. However, healing units (such as those in the Priest family) will instead heal this amount per cast, in which case Magical攻撃 5 would indicate 5 HP is restored with every heal spell.

Magic defense works the same as physical defense, except against magical attacks. Magicalぼうぎょ 4 would reduce a Magical攻撃 5 attack to 1 damage.

NOTE: Physical defense will not reduce the damage of magical attacks, and magical defense will not reduce the damage of physical attacks. Compensating for enemy defenses is an important part of a successful strategy.

Breath? are present in only seven cards, six of them being from the Dragon family.

The stats of the creatures can be increased or decreased with Equipment and Consumable Item cards.


  • Ground (じめん) - Ground level attack.
  • Poison (どく) - Attack causes poison to the target.
  • Exorcism (除霊) - A single hit on creatures from the Undead family will completely destroyed the target. The only exception are bosses, which are sent alive to their Jewel Room.
  • Flame (炎), Ice (氷), Light (光) and Dark (闇) - Elemental attacks.

RarityA star indicates the rarity of the card. Three stars is the rarest.

List of Spell Cards[]

For more details on the cards, see Creature Cards, Equipment Item Cards, Consumable Item Cards and Jewel Cards.

No. Name Type
001 Sword Knight (ソードナイト) Creature (Knight Family)
002 Axe Knight (アックスナイト) Creature (Knight Family)
003 Lance Knight (ランスナイト) Creature (Knight Family)
004 Heavy Knight (へヴィナイト) Creature (Knight Family)
005 Mirror Knight (ミラーナイト) Creature (Knight Family)
006 Lizard Man (リザードマン) Creature (Knight Family)
007 Mage (メイジ) Creature (Magician Family)
008 Fire Mage (ファイヤメイジ) Creature (Magician Family)
009 Break Mage (ブレイクメイジ) Creature (Magician Family)
010 Through Mage (スルーメイジ) Creature (Magician Family)
011 Priest (プリースト) Creature (Priest Family)
012 High Priest (ハイプリースト) Creature (Priest Family)
013 Monk (モンク) Creature (Priest Family)
014 Exorcist (エクソシスト) Creature (Priest Family)
015 Kalia (カリア) Creature (Priest Family)
016 Archer (アーチャー) Creature (Human Family)
017 Storm Soldier (ストームソルジャー) Creature (Human Family)
018 Negotiator (ネゴシエイター) Creature (Human Family)
019 Monster Tamer (モンスターテイマー) Creature (Human Family)
020 Rogue (ローグ) Creature (Human Family)
021 Necromancer (ネクロマンサー) Creature (Human Family)
022 Amazoness (アマゾネス) Creature (Human Family)
023 Sword Master (ソードマスター) Creature (Human Family)
024 Gilgamesh (ギルガメス) Creature (Hero Family)
025 Ki (カイ) Creature (Hero Family)
026 "Barusutsūka" (バルスツーカ) Creature (Hero Family)
027 Isis (イシス) Creature (Hero Family)
028 Seti (セティ) Creature (Hero Family)
029 Horus (ホルス) Creature (Hero Family)
030 Clovis (クローヴィス) Creature (Hero Family)
031 Valkyrie (ワルキューレ) Creature (Hero Family)
032 Ogre (オーグル) Creature (Demi-human Family)
033 Fairy (フェアリー) Creature (Demi-human Family)
034 Goblin (ゴブリン) Creature (Demi-human Family)
035 Mage Ghost (メイジゴースト) Creature (Undead Family)
036 Fire Ghost (ファイヤゴースト) Creature (Undead Family)
037 Will O' Wisp (ウィル・オー・ウィスプ) Creature (Undead Family)
038 Skeleton (スケルトン) Creature (Undead Family)
039 Vampire (バンパイヤ) Creature (Undead Family)
040 Vampire Lord (バンパイヤロード) Creature (Undead Family)
041 Green Slime (グリーンスライム) Creature (Slime Family)
042 Black Slime (ブラックスライム) Creature (Slime Family)
043 Mage Slime (メイジスライム) Creature (Slime Family)
044 Heal Slime (ヒールスライム) Creature (Slime Family)
045 Roper (ローパー) Creature (Magical Creature Family)
046 Mud Element (マッドエレメント) Creature (Magical Creature Family)
047 Golem (ゴーレム) Creature (Magical Creature Family)
048 Fire Golem (ファイヤゴーレム) Creature (Magical Creature Family)
049 Ice Golem (アイスゴーレム) Creature (Magical Creature Family)
050 Big Rock (ビッグロック) Creature (Magical Creature Family)
051 Mini Rock (ミニロック) Creature (Magical Creature Family)
052 Magic Card (マジックカード) Creature (Magical Creature Family)
053 Oyaji (オヤジ) Creature (Magical Creature Family)
054 Fire Pot (ファイヤポット) Creature (Magical Creature Family)
055 Trakon Puster (トラコンパスター) Creature (Magical Creature Family)
056 Phoenix (フェニックス) Creature (Magical Creature Family)
057 Kagekiyo (カゲキヨ) Creature (Magical Creature Family)
058 Pac-Man (パックマン) Creature (Magical Creature Family)
059 Dragonfly (ドラゴンフライ) Creature (Animal Family)
060 Bat (バット) Creature (Animal Family)
061 Snake (スネーク) Creature (Animal Family)
062 Double Head (ダブルヘッド) Creature (Animal Family)
063 Axe Beak (アックスビーク) Creature (Animal Family)
064 Giant Leech (ジャイアントリーチ) Creature (Animal Family)
065 Giant Toad (ジャイアントトード) Creature (Animal Family)
066 Eagle (イーグル) Creature (Animal Family)
067 Bo (ボー) Creature (Animal Family)
068 Quox (クオックス) Creature (Dragon Family)
069 Black Dragon (ブラックドラゴン) Creature (Dragon Family)
070 Silver Dragon (シルバードラゴン) Creature (Dragon Family)
071 Salamander (サラマンダー) Creature (Dragon Family)
072 Wyvern (ワイバーン) Creature (Dragon Family)
073 Basilisk (バジリスク) Creature (Dragon Family)
074 Dahak (ダハック) Creature (Dragon Family)
075 Druaga (ドルアーガ) Creature (Demon Family)
076 Anshar (アンシャー) Creature (Demon Family)
077 Great Demon (グレートデーモン) Creature (Demon Family)
078 Succubus (サキュバス) Creature (Demon Family)
079 Evil Eye (イビルアイ) Creature (Demon Family)
080 Nightmare (ナイトメア) Creature (Demon Family)
081 Bronze Sword (ブロンズソード) Equipment Item (Weapon: Sword)
082 Rapier (レイピア) Equipment Item (Weapon: Sword)
083 White Sword (ホワイトソード) Equipment Item (Weapon: Sword)
084 Broadsword (ブロードソード) Equipment Item (Weapon: Sword)
085 Rune Sword (ルーンソード) Equipment Item (Weapon: Sword)
086 Samurai Sword (サムライソード) Equipment Item (Weapon: Sword)
087 Bastard Sword (バスタードソード) Equipment Item (Weapon: Sword)
088 Seiji no Tsurugi (せいぎのつるぎ) Equipment Item (Weapon: Sword)
089 Ouja no Tsurugi (おうじゃのつるぎ) Equipment Item (Weapon: Sword)
090 Dragon Buster (ドラゴンバスター) Equipment Item (Weapon: Sword)
091 Excalibur (エクスカリバー) Equipment Item (Weapon: Sword)
092 Soul Edge (ソウルエッジ) Equipment Item (Weapon: Sword)
093 Dagger (ダガー) Equipment Item (Weapon: Dagger)
094 Poison Dagger (ポイズンダガー) Equipment Item (Weapon: Dagger)
095 Flame Dagger (フレイムダガー) Equipment Item (Weapon: Dagger)
096 Freeze Dagger (フリーズダガー) Equipment Item (Weapon: Dagger)
097 Bronze Lance (ブロンズランス) Equipment Item (Weapon: Lance)
098 Steel Lance (スチールランス) Equipment Item (Weapon: Lance)
099 Devil Lance (デビルランス) Equipment Item (Weapon: Lance)
100 Enlil (エンリル) Equipment Item (Weapon: Lance)
101 Stone Axe (ストーンアックス) Equipment Item (Weapon: Axe)
102 Iron Axe (アイアンアックス) Equipment Item (Weapon: Axe)
103 Daichi no Ono (だいちのおの) Equipment Item (Weapon: Axe)
104 Utu (ウトゥ) Equipment Item (Weapon: Axe)
105 Hunter Bow (ハンターボウ) Equipment Item (Weapon: Bow)
106 Archer Bow (アーチャーボウ) Equipment Item (Weapon: Bow)
107 Sniper Bow (スナイパーボウ) Equipment Item (Weapon: Bow)
108 Nannaru (ナンナル) Equipment Item (Weapon: Bow)
109 Rusty Mattock (さびたマトック) Equipment Item (Weapon: Mattock)
110 Copper Mattock (カッパーマトック) Equipment Item (Weapon: Mattock)
111 Silver Mattock (シルバーマトック) Equipment Item (Weapon: Mattock)
112 Gold Mattock (ゴールドマトック) Equipment Item (Weapon: Mattock)
113 Wood Shield (ウッドシールド) Equipment Item (Protector: Shield)
114 Small Shield (スモールシールド) Equipment Item (Protector: Shield)
115 Red Line Shield (レッドラインシールド) Equipment Item (Protector: Shield)
116 Fire Shield (ファイヤシールド) Equipment Item (Protector: Shield)
117 Ice Shield (アイスシールド) Equipment Item (Protector: Shield)
118 Reflect Shield (リフレクトシールド) Equipment Item (Protector: Shield)
119 Spike Shield (スパイクシールド) Equipment Item (Protector: Shield)
120 Hyper Shield (ハイパーシールド) Equipment Item (Protector: Shield)
121 Leather Cap (レザーキャップ) Equipment Item (Protector: Helmet)
122 Iron Helmet (アイアンヘルメット) Equipment Item (Protector: Helmet)
123 Red Helmet (レッドヘルメット) Equipment Item (Protector: Helmet)
124 Skull Helmet (スカルヘルメット) Equipment Item (Protector: Helmet)
125 Holy Helmet (ホーリーヘルメット) Equipment Item (Protector: Helmet)
126 Ishtar's Tiara (イシターのティアラ) Equipment Item (Protector: Helmet)
127 Spike Helmet (スパイクヘルメット) Equipment Item (Protector: Helmet)
128 Hyper Helmet (ハイパーヘルメット) Equipment Item (Protector: Helmet)
129 Leather Armor (レザーアーマー) Equipment Item (Protector: Armor)
130 Chain Mail (チェインメイル) Equipment Item (Protector: Armor)
131 Red Line Armor (レッドラインアーマー) Equipment Item (Protector: Armor)
132 Skull Armor (スカルアーマー) Equipment Item (Protector: Armor)
133 Holy Armor (ホーリーアーマー) Equipment Item (Protector: Armor)
134 Gold Armor (ゴールドアーマー) Equipment Item (Protector: Armor)
135 Evil Armor (イビルアーマー) Equipment Item (Protector: Armor)
136 Hyper Armor (ハイパーアーマー) Equipment Item (Protector: Armor)
137 Leather Glove (レザーグローブ) Equipment Item (Accessory: Gauntlet)
138 Plate Glove (プレートグローブ) Equipment Item (Accessory: Gauntlet)
139 Red Gauntlet (レッドゴーントレット) Equipment Item (Accessory: Gauntlet)
140 Skull Gauntlet (スカルゴーントレット) Equipment Item (Accessory: Gauntlet)
141 Holy Gauntlet (ホーリーゴーントレット) Equipment Item (Accessory: Gauntlet)
142 Lead Bracelets (なまりのうでわ) Equipment Item (Accessory: Gauntlet)
143 Evil Gauntlet (イビルゴーントレット) Equipment Item (Accessory: Gauntlet)
144 Hyper Gauntlet (ハイパーゴーントレット) Equipment Item (Accessory: Gauntlet)
145 Amazoness' Sandal (アマゾネスのサンダル) Equipment Item (Accessory: Boots)
146 Lead Shackles (なまりのあしかせ) Equipment Item (Accessory: Boots)
147 Turtle Boots (タートルブーツ) Equipment Item (Accessory: Boots)
148 Heavy Boots (ヘヴィブーツ) Equipment Item (Accessory: Boots)
149 Levitate Boots (レビテイトブーツ) Equipment Item (Accessory: Boots)
150 Imdorg Boots (イムドーグブーツ) Equipment Item (Accessory: Boots)
151 Jet Boots (ジェットブーツ) Equipment Item (Accessory: Boots)
152 Mach Boots (マッハブーツ) Equipment Item (Accessory: Boots)
153 Potion of Healing (ポーション・オブ・ヒーリング) Consumable Item (Potion)
154 Potion of More Heal (ポーション・オブ・モアヒール) Consumable Item (Potion)
155 Potion of Mega Heal (ポーション・オブ・メガヒール) Consumable Item (Potion)
156 Potion of Cure (ポーション・オブ・キュア) Consumable Item (Potion)
157 Antidote (アンチドト) Consumable Item (Potion)
158 Anti Petro (アンチペトロ) Consumable Item (Potion)
159 Anti Stun (アンチスタン) Consumable Item (Potion)
160 Anti Confuse (アンチコンフューズ) Consumable Item (Potion)
161 Potion of Snake (ポーション・オブ・スネーク) Consumable Item (Potion)
162 Potion of Golem (ポーション・オブ・ゴーレム) Consumable Item (Potion)
163 Potion of Mage (ポーション・オブ・メイジ) Consumable Item (Potion)
164 Potion of Berserk (ポーション・オブ・バーサーク) Consumable Item (Potion)
165 Potion of Poison (ポーション・オブ・ポイズン) Consumable Item (Potion)
166 Potion of Petro (ポーション・オブ・ペトロ) Consumable Item (Potion)
167 Potion of Stun (ポーション・オブ・スタン) Consumable Item (Potion)
168 Potion of Spin (ポーション・オブ・スピン) Consumable Item (Potion)
169 Dragon Pot (ドラゴンポット) Consumable Item (Potion)
170 Dark Pot (ダークポット) Consumable Item (Potion)
171 Attacker Pot (アタッカーポット) Consumable Item (Potion)
172 Defender Pot (ディフェンダーポット) Consumable Item (Potion)
173 Barbarian Pot (バーバリアンポット) Consumable Item (Potion)
174 Sniper Pot (スナイパーポット) Consumable Item (Potion)
175 Power Pot (パワーポット) Consumable Item (Potion)
176 Drain Pot (ドレインポット) Consumable Item (Potion)
177 Book of Recycle (ブック・オブ・リサイクル) Consumable Item (Book)
178 Bible (バイブル) Consumable Item (Book)
179 Book of U Turn (ブック・オブ・Uターン) Consumable Item (Book)
180 Book of Fire (ブック・オブ・ファイヤ) Consumable Item (Book)
181 Book of Freeze (ブック・オブ・フリーズ) Consumable Item (Book)
182 Book of Return (ブック・オブ・リターン) Consumable Item (Book)
183 Book of Unsummon (ブック・オブ・アンサモン) Consumable Item (Book)
184 Book of Rise (ブック・オブ・レイズ) Consumable Item (Book)
185 Book of Heal All (ブック・オブ・ヒールオール) Consumable Item (Book)
186 Book of Map (ブック・オブ・マップ) Consumable Item (Book)
187 Book of Heat Body (ブック・オブ・ヒートボディ) Consumable Item (Book)
188 Book of Protection (ブック・オブ・プロテクション) Consumable Item (Book)
189 Summons on Anu (サモンズ・オン・アヌ) Consumable Item (Book)
190 Summons on Ishtar (サモンズ・オン・イシター) Consumable Item (Book)
191 Summons on Ramman (サモンズ・オン・ラマン) Consumable Item (Book)
192 Summons on Girru (サモンズ・オン・ガールー) Consumable Item (Book)
193 Summons on Nergal (サモンズ・オン・ナーガル) Consumable Item (Book)
194 Summons on Humbaba (サモンズ・オン・フンババ) Consumable Item (Book)
195 Summons on Nabu (サモンズ・オン・ナブー) Consumable Item (Book)
196 Summons on Nannaru (サモンズ・オン・ナンナル) Consumable Item (Book)
197 Candle (キャンドル) Consumable Item
198 Long Candle (ロング・キャンドル) Consumable Item
199 Silver Timer (シルバー・タイマー) Consumable Item
200 Gold Timer (ゴールド・タイマー) Consumable Item
201 Crystal Orb (クリスタルオーブ) Jewel
202 Black Orb (ブラックオーブ) Jewel
203 Green Orb Rod (グリーンオーブロッド) Jewel
204 Wood Opal Mace (ウッドオパールメイス) Jewel
205 Red Orb Rod (レッドオーブロッド) Jewel
206 Fire Opal Mace (ファイヤオパールメイス) Jewel
207 Blue Orb Rod (ブルーオーブロッド) Jewel
208 Marine Opal Mace (マリンオパールメイス) Jewel
209 White Orb Rod (ホワイトオーブロッド) Jewel
210 Snow Opal Mace (スノーオパールメイス) Jewel
211 Green Crystal Rod (グリーンクリスタルロッド) Jewel
212 Emerald Mace (エメラルドメイス) Jewel
213 Red Crystal Rod (レッドクリスタルロッド) Jewel
214 Ruby Mace (ルビーメイス) Jewel
215 Blue Crystal Rod (ブルークリスタルロッド) Jewel
216 Sapphire Mace (サファイアメイス) Jewel
217 White Crystal Rod (ホワイトクリスタルロッド) Jewel
218 Diamond Mace (ダイアモンドメイス) Jewel